A father should always know what his daughter is doing. Even in the bathroom. For educational purposes, of course. The main thing is that she does nothing wrong. So he went in to check. The fact that she was masturbating was so pleasant and exciting that he decided to introduce her to even more enjoyable games. Well, what loving father would refuse to let his adult daughter suck his cock? And developing her anal pleasure - just part of the duty of a parent! )
Samantha| 8 days ago
Who doubts that fathers should raise their daughters? It's just that everyone's methods are different. Maybe fucking her in the throat is an extreme method, but at least she'll understand that daddy is in charge and only his dick can be taken in the mouth in this house. Order is order. And the sperm he shot in her eye will refresh a girl's memory.
Ella| 16 days ago
Oh, I want to have sex so bad!
maga| 49 days ago
Pretty girl
Czech| 16 days ago
Who knows the top porn actresses write!
Vikram| 51 days ago
That's quite a spanking. I think the girl liked that punishment and would do it again.
Khorosheva viewing
Mmmm. sexy class...
A father should always know what his daughter is doing. Even in the bathroom. For educational purposes, of course. The main thing is that she does nothing wrong. So he went in to check. The fact that she was masturbating was so pleasant and exciting that he decided to introduce her to even more enjoyable games. Well, what loving father would refuse to let his adult daughter suck his cock? And developing her anal pleasure - just part of the duty of a parent! )
Who doubts that fathers should raise their daughters? It's just that everyone's methods are different. Maybe fucking her in the throat is an extreme method, but at least she'll understand that daddy is in charge and only his dick can be taken in the mouth in this house. Order is order. And the sperm he shot in her eye will refresh a girl's memory.
Oh, I want to have sex so bad!
Pretty girl
Who knows the top porn actresses write!
That's quite a spanking. I think the girl liked that punishment and would do it again.